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What is Contemporary Art? A Guide for Kids

What is Contemporary Art? A Guide for Kids

SKU: 9780870708091
30,00 €Τιμή

What Is Contemporary Art? introduces a young audience to the exciting, dynamic, and sometimes bewildering art of the past fifty years. Organized thematically according to subjects of interest to children ages eight and up—from games and unusual materials to outer space and bizarre beasts—this whimsical volume features a range of artworks drawn from The Museum of Modern Art's collection, including modern icons of the early 1960s, such as Andy Warhol's Campbell's Soup Cans and Yves Klein's Anthropometry: Princess Helena, and recent works by contemporary artists Louise Bourgeois, Olafur Eliasson, Andreas Gursky, Jeff Koons, and Bruce Nauman, among others.
The book is packed with special features, from pull-out information and idea boxes to quotes from the artists and “How did they do it?” prompts. Short biographies of the featured artists include fascinating facts, a glossary explains key art terms and ideas, and a list of useful websites provides resources for further exploration. 64 pages; 74 color illustrations.

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